We are based in Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Registred in Ministry of Law of Republic of Indonesia and has Business Identification Number (NIB) issued by Investment Board of Republic of Indonesia. We very respect trust, sustainable relation and fair bussines rules .
Our bussines line are piling works, heavy lifting works, crane rent, steel erection and fabric, and heavyequipment parts supply. Reach Us by Hotline (+62) 8116480899 - Whatsapp (+62) 85372726338 or Email cv.medanalbertindo@gmail.com.
We specialized to lifting, relocation, and erection by heavyequipments. For any purposes as :
a. Construction
b. Logistics
c. Steel Erection
We offer our services
- Competitive rate and price
- Fast response and profesionals
- Supported by many choices of equipments : cranes and forklift
- Starting from 2 to 10 tons forklift, 1 to 60 m boom length crane
- Daily or monthly services
- Oil and Gas (MIGAS) certified available for any equipments
Please send your mail by important description as scope of work, description of objects or material goods, location, time schedule, your company, and contact person to us by our mail address :
We specialized to lifting, relocation, and erection by heavyequipments. For any purposes as :
a. Construction
b. Logistics
c. Steel Erection
We offer our services
- Competitive rate and price
- Fast response and profesionals
- Supported by many choices of equipments : cranes and forklift
- Starting from 2 to 10 tons forklift, 1 to 60 m boom length crane
- Daily or monthly services
- Oil and Gas (MIGAS) certified available for any equipments
Please send your mail by important description as scope of work, description of objects or material goods, location, time schedule, your company, and contact person to us by our mail address :
Kami melayani pekerjaan dalam rangka pembersihan dan pembukaan lahan yaitu :
a. Stacking dan tumbang
b. Pembuatan terassing
c. Pembukaan jalan dan jembatan
d. Pembuatan parit lahan
e. Pembuatan lubang tanam
Kirimkan surat elektronik (email) anda yang berisi keterangan kebutuhan pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan, data lokasi, serta identitas perusahaan dan contact person kepada kami :
Kami, CV Medan Albertindo adalah perusahaan penyedia barang dan jasa berbadan hukum berdomisili di Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara. Kami bergerak dengan tag line alat berat, kontraktor, supplier dan jasa layanan fabrikasi dan erection baja.
Melalui media blog ini kami menginformasikan jasa layanan kami. Karena itu perlu kami tegaskan bahwa blog ini adalah hanya sarana informasi saja dan bukan perdagangan atau usaha online. Tidak ada transaksi pembayaran yang hanya didasarkan pada blog atau web ini. Sehingga dalam memulai pekerjaan yang telah disepakati kami tetap memerlukan perjanjian kerja, kesepakatan, dan negosiasi. Setiap sarana yang digunakan untuk menghubungi kami baik nomor sellular, surat elektronik, atau bentuk messanger lainnya hanyalah merupakan sarana untuk mempermudah menghubungi kami dalam memulai langkah penawaran, survey, negosiasi hingga kepada perjanjian kerja. Setiap transaksi yang hanya dapat dilakukan setelah melalui kesepakatan kedua belah pihak melalui prosedur diatas. Transaksi pembayaran dilakukan melalui rekening atas nama CV Medan Albertindo yang akan tertera dalam setiap surat penawaran atau kontrak kerja.
Karena itu, kami mengharapkan informasi yang jelas dari setiap pelanggan yang menghendaki surat penawaran dari kami yaitu nama pelanggan yang jelas termasuk alamat dan kontak penghubung, jenis pekerjaan dan jenis layanan yang dikehendaki termasuk jenis atau kapasitas alat yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan hubungan usaha yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan baik secara moril, etika, maupun hukum.
Dear Customers,
We, CV Medan Albertindo is a company of goods and services provider legal entity domiciled in the City of Medan, North Sumatra. We move with the tag line of the heavyequipment, contractors suppliers and fabrication services and steel erection.
Through the media blogs are we inform our services. We are not online trading or services. Therefore we need to emphasize that this blog is the only means of information only. No transaction and payment only based by this blog. In the start the work which has been agreed we still need a meeting, letter of agreement and negotiation. Every means used to contact us good sellular number, electronic letter, or other messanger form is merely a means to make it easier to contact us in the start step, survey offer, negotiations to the working agreement. Every transaction that can only be done after through the agreement both parties through the procedures above. Payment transactions done through an account in the official name of CV Medan Albertindo which will be shown in every letter, quotation or offer working contract.
Therefore, we expect clear information from each customer who desires the letter of offer from the us which is the name of the subscriber that clearly including addresses and contacts link, type of work and the type of service that he pleases including the type of or the capacity of the appliance is needed. This is needed to create a business relationship that can be accounted for both a morally taken, ethics and the law.
Silahkan melihat jasa pelayanan kami yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda : Please see our service available that you needs :
Untuk sewa alat berat silahkan mengirimkan permintaan surat penawaran melalui email dengan memberikan informasi nama dan alamat perusahaan, contact person, nomor yang dapat dihubungi, penjelasan ringkas pekerjaan, lokasi pekerjaan, lama pekerjaan dan jadwal mulai pekerjaan serta alat berat yang dibutuhkan.
Untuk pekerjaan land clearing, fabrikasi, konstruksi baja, erection, jasa perbaikan dan spare parts alat berat mohon juga mencantumkan nama dan alamat perusahaan, contact person, nomor yang dapat dihubungi, penjelasan ringkas pekerjaan, lokasi pekerjaan, lama pekerjaan dan jadwal mulai pekerjaan mohon ditambahkan tipe dan jenis alat berat yang akan diperbaiki khusus bagi jasa service dan spare parts.
Untuk jasa sewa alat berat tersedia untuk jangka waktu harian, mingguan, dan bulanan dengan kondisi perjanjian sewa tertentu.
For rent heavyequipments please send your quotation request to our email withby completely information name and address of company, contact person, phone number, detail of works, location, term of job, time schedule for starting, and type of machine to need.
For land clearing, steel fabrication, steel construction, steel erection, service and parts heavyequipments please send quotation request by email withbywithby completely information name and address of company, contact person, phone number, detail of works, location, term of job, time schedule for starting, and type of machine to repair (only for service and parts work).
For term of rent you can rent by daily, weekly, or monthly to condition of rent applied.